Hop onto a Wah-Wah (fume belching local bendy bus) or Colectivo (classic car/communal taxi) and take to the streets to discover the real Habana. Understand how Habaneros live; the practical day to day issues Cubans face living in this complicated country at this exciting time and help us take away some answers to our own ‘first world’ problems!
Three times weekly (usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons approx. 14:00-17:00) we take you on an adventure to help you understand and enjoy the history of Cuba and Habana - the source of the amazing wealth, the rich cultural mix, marvel at the faded patina of Habana’s famous gorgeous neo classical architecture, the rumble of classic American cars, curious Soviet era high rise buildings, ubiquitous live music on every street, dance, exotic religions etc. The list is endless! You will quickly feel at home, gain the knowledge and confidence to enjoy the city in your own time, with new-found traveller and Cuban friends. You have been immersed into the Cuban culture - enjoy!
These cultural experiences and excursions are with our trained local guides who will show you how to buy (and spend!) local pesos, take local transport and generally make you feel at home and comfortable with your new surroundings.
The Discover Cuba content also features additional Spanish language tuition, oral comprehension and dialogue (approx. 4 hours per week).